• Member To Member Deals

    Want to Grow your Business ?

    Huge discount exclusively for Chamber Members to grown your business even more.

    $49 Account setup and Manage. $2 per Post.

    10% off ANY order over $50

    10% off ANY order over $50

    FREE Security evaluation

    computer and network security evaluation

    Members enjoy savings with All Reason Party Rentals!

    10% off discount for packages

    Women Georgina chamber of commerce members, receive 10% off all personal training packages at ABC-Training. The better the package the better the deal!

    Chamber women discount deal

    Member Savings with Jacinta Healing Arts!

    10% off all Office Ergonomic Evaluations

    In honour of Global Ergonomics Month, we are offering 10% off of each Office Ergonomic Evaluation completed in October ($25 in savings). Email or call us to book your personalized evaluation with a Registered Kinesiologist.

    Grab your Fall discount!

    10% off video production services

    Video production represents a core strength of Streetwise TS. With a focus on learning, marketing, and event applications, we have the experience to bring your vision to life on the screen. Streetwise TS offers full service video production in both English and French languages.

    Video production to support your business (internal/customer-facing)